Learn to Sail in Mullaghmore
Learn to sail in this lovely corner of Donegal Bay. Adult Sailing Courses in June, Junior Sailing Courses in July.
Full details on www.mullaghmoresailingclub.org
Learn to sail in this lovely corner of Donegal Bay. Adult Sailing Courses in June, Junior Sailing Courses in July.
Full details on www.mullaghmoresailingclub.org
We are delighted to announce the reopening of our Church in Cliffoney from:- Sunday 26th May – 10:30 Mass There will be a rededication ceremony at a later date.
by Trudy Lomax “…..In coupling people a steady help Are scraps of apples and powdered herbs The purple orchid and cowslip plant The knotted figwort, the shepherd’s purse Kid’s desire and also rib- wort, Early purple Orchid The yellow cummin with its magic for lust Leaves that are burned in secrecy – And more of…
Birdwatching The habitat around Bunduff Lough is salt water marshland which attracts a variety of birds including Whooper Swans which arrive here in October from Iceland. Mallard and teal are found here in the Winter months and occasionally shovelled, scaup and tufted duck can be seen. There are seabirds in abundance along the coast, including…
Friday Night Steaks[codepeople-post-map] with deals from €19.99 with a glass of wine and loads of fresh fish specials this weekend, why not book a table and see for yourself why we were nominated for all these awards.
Sligo Sports and Recreation Partnership produce a regular guide to a wide variety of classes and events in the North Sligo area Download here: North Sligo Activity Guide
Dreading the long dark winter evenings? Why not join the active age group at Cliffoney Health Centre each Monday @2pm. We are involved in lots of activities that might be of interest to you. We have a chat a laugh and a cuppa. See you there.!