Coffee Shop
Harrison’s Bar and Restaurant are adding a new coffee shop range on June 1st. Soup and Sandwiches, Gourmet Coffee, Pastries, Scones and Preserves. Every day 11am – 4pm.
Harrison’s Bar and Restaurant are adding a new coffee shop range on June 1st. Soup and Sandwiches, Gourmet Coffee, Pastries, Scones and Preserves. Every day 11am – 4pm.
Check out the extensive classes at and acquire new skills[codepeople-post-map]
A great selection of Spring 2015 classes in cake decoration, crochet and sewing techiniques For more details see the Crafter’s Basket Website
Coastal, hill, upland, bogland and riverside walking are all available in the immediate area and are well documented in this brochure from the Benwhiskin Centre Walking and Cycling Brochure The website Sligo Walks outlines a number of walk nearby: Bunduff Lake Gleniff Horseshoe Mullaghmore Head Benbulbin Forest Trail For group walks in different parts of…
Check out the Creevykeel on this website
Every Wednesday @ 10:30am 29th May: Rosses Point 5th June: Benwiskin All Welcome. For further details contact the Benwiskin Centre 071 9176721
Mullaghmore Head, 3 miles from Cliffoney, is on the map for big wave riders from all over the world. There is ideal surf for beginners in nearby Bundoran and plenty of opportunities to learn or improve thanks to regular classes: Bundoran Surf Co Turf nSurf Surfworld Bundoran